The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2011 Women’s Retreat: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation

Explore the transformative power of Buddhist mindfulness and heart meditations in the sacred space of spiritual community.This retreat will include dharma talks, guided sitting and walking meditations, group interviews, yoga, and a sacred circle dance. Much of our time together will be held in noble silence.

2011-02-03 (4 days) Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2011-02-03 The Precepts 34:06
Cheri Maples
2011-02-04 Morning Meditation Instructions (with walking instructions by La Sarmiento) 46:37
Cheri Maples
2011-02-05 Lovingkindness for Caregivers 29:13
Cheri Maples
2011-02-05 Spiritual Maturity 59:07
Cheri Maples
2011-02-06 Building Community 15:06
Cheri Maples
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