Dharma Talks
given at Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
The Three Refuges
Tara Brach
The spiritual path can be understood as forgetting and remembering. We suffer when we lose sight of truth, of love, of awareness. And we touch freedom in the moments of remembering. This talk includes guided reflections on three gateways to remembering: three refuges--buddha, dharma and sangha--that are the foundation of classical Buddhist teachings and profoundly relevant in our contemporary lives.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
The Three Characteristics - part 3: No-Self
Tara Brach
At the center of the Buddhist teachings is the understanding that the passing phenomena of this world--sounds, sensations, thoughts, bodies and minds--have no self at the center, no self as owner, and are not happening to a self. In other words, our familiar sense of self is an illusion. When there is full presence, a presence not filtered by thoughts, this illusion dissolves, freeing us to realize our true nature. This talk exploring the teachings of no-self, or emptiness, includes several reflections and practices that guide us in awakening to this essential and liberating truth.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Inviting Mara To Tea
Tara Brach
One of the great archetypal themes in the Buddha's life is facing Mara, the shadow side of greed, hatred and delusion. Rather than being seduced, fighting or running away, the Buddha simply recognized Mara's presence and invited him to tea. This talk and guided meditation explores the theme of a radical and engaged presence, and how it directly translates into a sacred path of healing and freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Soul Retrieval
Tara Brach
When we become stressed and reactive, we lose contact with our natural spontaneity, wisdom and openheartedness. This talk investigates the ways we become caught in the stress-trance and the key elements in awakening: pausing and remindfulness. Using the gateway of the senses, we explore both the pathway of presence and the gifts of reconnecting with soul, spirit, essence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks