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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Tara Brach's Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
Tara Brach
A pervasive but often invisible source of suffering in our culture is self-aversion. We are a busy culture, and we move through our life feeling anxious and dissatisfied, but not fully conscious of how we neglect or judge our inner experience. We suffer from a lack of belonging: to our own bodies, to each other and to the earth. When we practice Buddhist meditation, we learn how to listen deeply and hold our life tenderly.
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2015-01-07 Taking Refuge in Your Own True Nature 1:26:42
The three classic refuges of Buddha (awareness), Dharma (truth) and Sangha (loving relatedness) are each expressions of our deepest essence. This talk reflects on the refuges and includes guided meditations and a closing ritual that helps us remember the pathway home in our daily life. (note: to participate in the ritual you will need a piece of red string about 28 inches long)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-12-31 Guided Heart Meditation with Instruction: Forgiving Ourselves and Others 33:05
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2014 IMCW New Year Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion
2014-12-30 "Landlocked in Fur" - Three Domains of Formless Presence 65:45
While we have evolved to experience a defining sense of separate self, our potential is to awaken to the formless dimension - the pure awareness is our shared source. This talk explores how we can undo the identification with thoughts, emotions and feelings that keeps us landlocked and unable to trust and live from our naturally loving and radiant essence. NOTE: beginning poem is "Landlocked in Fur," by Tukaram, from “Love Poems From God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West” (Ladinksy, 2002)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2014 IMCW New Year Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion
2014-12-30 Meditation: The Luminous Space of Awareness 28:24
This meditation shifts attention from form to the formless source of all Being. Discover and rest in continuous space, filled with the light of awareness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2014 IMCW New Year Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion
2014-12-27 Meditation: Awakening Loving Awareness (with instructions) 47:47
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2014 IMCW New Year Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion
2014-12-24 Embodying Loving Presence (retreat talk) 68:24
This talk looks at the evolutionary fear-patterning that creates separation in our relationships, and at the practices that open us to giving and receiving love. (NOTE: talk given at the IMCW summer residential retreat on 2014-08-02)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-12-17 Intimacy with Life: Part 2 58:50
This season is one of celebrating the light and love that is our unifying source. And yet at these times our society is being forced to face its deep patterning of racial oppression, amongst other expressions of violence. These two talks investigate the process of turning against ourselves and others, and how intentional and deep presence can heal the suffering of separation.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-12-10 Intimacy with Life: Part 1 1:17:47
This season is one of celebrating the light and love that is our unifying source. And yet at these times our society is being forced to face its deep patterning of racial oppression, amongst other expressions of violence. These two talks investigate the process of turning against ourselves and others, and how intentional and deep presence can heal the suffering of separation.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-11-26 A Generous Heart 1:18:02
Our deep potential is to live from an awake, loving heart. This talk looks at how, with a kind and mindful attention, we can decondition habitual tendencies toward grasping and self-centeredness, and nourish the sense of connectedness and care that gives rise to generosity. As we bring these heart practices alive in our most immediate relationships, they have the power to evolve consciousness in widening circles across the world. 
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
2014-11-19 Awakening Through Change and Loss 1:19:42
Our capacity to live and love fully is entirely related to how we open to the truth of impermanence. This talk examines how our ways of trying to control life solidify our perception of being separate and threatened. We then look at the wings of mindful presence and compassion that open us to loss and grief, and reveal the loving awareness that is beyond birth and death.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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