The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
2010-05-06 Morning Instruction - Question & Response 13:46
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-06 Meditation--Radiance-Sutra 5:58
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-04 Evening Prayer 1:24
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-04 Equanimity: The Ocean of Experience 64:16
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-03 Forgiveness Practice 40:25
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-03 Morning Instruction 8:22
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-02 Self-Compassion 61:52
Tara Brach
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-02 Meditation with Instruction 28:01
Tara Brach
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-05-01 Holding Life with Kindness 66:49
Larry Yang
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2010 - IMCW Spring Residential Retreat: Intimacy With Life

2010-04-28 Embodied Spirit 1:12:55
Tara Brach
The Buddha taught that mindfulness of the body is a direct path to the realization of truth, to peace and freedom. This talk explores how we leave a present-centered awareness of our body, and the pathways of homecoming.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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