Dharma Talks
given at Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
Finding True Refuge in This Living Dying World – Part 1
Tara Brach
This week, I began a two-part series inspired by Pema Chödron’s newest offering, How We Live is How We Die. It’s a powerful book that I highly recommend!
One of our deepest inquiries is how to find happiness and peace in an inherently insecure world. In these talks, we’ll explore the ways we habitually try to control our lives, and the practices of presence that allow us to cherish this living world and find freedom in the midst of change and loss.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
Compassion for All Living Beings
Tara Brach
We often talk of widening the circles of compassion. This talk explores the qualities of mature compassion, what blocks us from this embodied and inclusive caring, and how each of us can awaken a heart that responds to our world’s suffering.
This event was live-streamed and includes a talk, several guided reflections, and a Q&A session.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC