Dharma Talks
given at Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
Basic Goodness and Awe: A conversation between Tara Brach and Dacher Keltner
Tara Brach
Dacher Keltner, Ph.D. is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, a scientist and the co-director of the Greater Good Science Center. He has authored a number of books, including bestselling “Born to be Good” and most recently “Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it Can Transform Your Life”.
Our conversation covers the biological, evolutionary and cultural bases of human goodness and the centrality of awe in the human experience. We explore the blocks to experiencing our full potential, and ways we can cultivate our innate capacity for finding wonder, love, creativity and beauty in our daily lives.
Learn more about Dacher’s latest book at: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/622175/awe-by-dacher-keltner/
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
A Generous Heart
Tara Brach
Our deep potential is to live from an awake, loving heart. This talk looks at how, with a kind and mindful attention, we can decondition habitual tendencies toward grasping and self-centeredness, and nourish the sense of connectedness and care that gives rise to generosity. As we bring these heart practices alive in our most immediate relationships, they have the power to evolve consciousness in widening circles across the world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
Becoming Happier: A Conversation with Tara Brach and Arthur Brooks
Tara Brach
The Dalai Lama regularly says that everyone wants to be happy, nobody wants to suffer. Arthur Brooks, in his new book on getting happier (co-authored with Oprah Winfrey) digs into the practical and science-based approaches that increase deep wellbeing. In this conversation Tara and Arthur discuss the ingredients of happiness, the role of unhappiness in our lives, how to work with core ego-fears, the power of metacognition, the necessity of transcendence of small self and the love that is the grounds of true happiness.
Learn more about Arthur’s work & pick up a copy of his new book, Build the Life You Want at: https://arthurbrooks.com.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
The Wise Heart of Radical Acceptance
Tara Brach
When we are caught in self-judgment we forget the truth of who we are – our wholeness, awareness and love. This talk examines how we take the imperfect waves of our being personally, and become imprisoned in the trance of unworthiness, a limited and distorted reality. We then look at how the practice of Radical Acceptance enables us to come home to a fullness of being, and live from a growing sense of loving connectedness with all beings.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC